I will be putting a solo show on in London at the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries, just off Trafalgar Square in September.
I know it is early to be sharing this with you all. However, for this solo show I want to take you all on the journey of making my show. This will be through a monthly diary about the making of my show, videos, blogs and my new YouTube Channel.
For those of you who follow me regularly know that I like to paint for a solo show every other year or so. I like the big challenge of painting to a theme. Really getting engrossed in a large body of work. It focusses the mind. You get into another whole dimension of mental awareness of your painting when painting a large body of work.
I will be painting in the two mediums that I use; both oil and also watercolour. Most of the paintings will be painted plein air. I will, however, also create larger works in the studio using the plein airs as a base. If you came to my last solo show “Constable’s Walks” you will know that I do paint large and small.
This time round I thought it would be good to create a short monthly diary blog alongside my actual painting and prepping for the show. The diary blog will be posted on my website. Alongside the blog, there will be videos of my work and progress during each month. I have also created my new YouTube channel where you will also be able to follow my journey to the show. The aim is to give a flavour of what I will have been doing each month in the making and run up to the show. Here is my January video diary.
I hope you all enjoy following me on the making of my show over the next few months. I am very excited to be having you along with me on my journey. And hope that you will all support and engage with me as I progress.